BB FlashBack Professional Edition

Программа предназначена для записи видео всего, что происходит на экране.

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НазваниеBB FlashBack Professional Edition
Операционные системы

  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP

ТипСкриншоты и видеосъёмка экрана
Размещено в каталоге18 июля 2010

Изменения в BB FlashBack Professional Edition

Обновление от 14 июля 2010 года.


  • Запись звука при наличии нескольких звуковых карт.
  • Импортированное видео с веб-камеры было невидимым.
  • Проблема с сохранением выделенных кадров в новый проект, которая заключалась в рассинхроне аудио и видео дорожки, когда не был выбран первый кадр записи.
  • Другие ошибки.
Полный список изменения BB FlashBack Professional Edition на английском

Released: 14 Jul 2010

  • Fix: 'list index out of bounds' error on recording.
  • Fix: now records sound if you have multiple sound cards installed.
  • Fix: Imported webcam video was invisible in 'embedded' mode until the movie was saved.
  • Fix: selecting frames and saving them to a new movie resulted in audio sync problems when the first frame was not included.
  • Fix: adding a movie with webcam or mpeg could result in object start frames being changed.
  • Fix: Information shown in File→Properties→More Details not complete for movies created by saving selected frames.
  • Fix: " " in file name could cause it to be flagged as corrupt.
  • Fix: uploading a movie, then closing it and opening another movie and uploading that, resulted in the first movie being uploaded again.
  • Fix: GDI mode FPS was restricted to a max of 20.
  • Fix: Exporting a range of frames not including the first frame to AVi/WMV/MOV resulted in audio sync problems.
  • Fix: Selecting more than a certain number of frames at the end of the movie and saving to a new movie could result in a static frame in the new movie.
  • Fix: selecting the same sound device twice on the sound step in the Record wizard could change the sample rate to 11khz.
  • Fix: cancelling the More Options window (accessed from Record wizard) did not cancel all changes to settings.

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  • bbflbk2.exe


    Вес файла: 9,53 Мб

    MD5-хеш: d972724a545db3478b192d5493a90466


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